One democratic principle stated in the Decloration of Independence is that all men have certain unalienable rights, which are, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Also, a majority of the power came from the people and if the people were unhappy they had the ability to change it.
2.) A list of grievances
There are many grievances listed in the Decloration of Independance. For example, one reason the colonists were mad is because the British cut off their trade with all parts of the world by implmenting mercantilism. Also, the British imposed taxes on them without their consent. "No taxation, without representation." And, the colonists felt deprived in many ways, especially in trial by jury.
3.) Summary of the conclusion
In the conclusion, the colonists were now independent form Britain which gave them the right to make their own alliences and declare war. This brought the colonists together because they could make their own rules.
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