Saturday, January 18, 2014

LAD #23 - Populist Party Platform

  - country is run in corruption 
  - goal: restore the government to help people have their say and influence that has been  lost
  - populist party wants:
            -labor unions to stay legal
            -railroad will belong to the people or if the government steps in the corporation owns the people
            -a man should receive his full profit without industry taking it away 

  - demanded a free coinage of gold and silver 
  - wanted the amount of circulation to increase
  - believed that the countries money should be held in the hands of who provide for it and profit from      it 

  - telephones, telegraphs, and railroads should be run by the government for the good of the people 

Overall, the party wanted to compromise with the government in order to benefit America as a whole and have it prosper in the upcoming years. 

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